What are Fault Detection Devices? What Do They Do?

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Today's technology is constantly changing, developing and renewing, and many sectors have taken their share from this. One of them is the "automotive sector."

In the past, vehicles had fewer electronic components than they do today. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, it could be detected manually. But nowadays, modern vehicles are built with electronic circuits, microprocessors, sensors, actuators and many other electronic components, making it impossible to detect faults manually.

Car drivers know that from time to time warnings appear on the warning lights. So, what do we do when we see these warnings? We go to a car mechanic. What is the first thing the master will do? To identify the fault that caused the warning light to come on. To do this, he immediately connects the car to a diagnostic device. So, what is this diagnostic device, what does it do, how to use it, how does it work? In this article, we have answered these questions for you. Now let's move on to the details.

In today's technology, diagnostic diagnostic devices, which we call "diagnosing, diagnosing", have been produced in order to detect the malfunctions of vehicles in the best way. In this way, it has become very easy to diagnose and diagnose errors and malfunctions in the latest version vehicles. A malfunction occurring anywhere in the vehicle is transmitted directly to the vehicle's brain. The most important task of diagnostic devices is to display the fault information in the brain. Thus, the problem of the vehicle can be detected within minutes. To mention other tasks of diagnostic devices;

  • Vehicle fault detection,
  • Reading the faults in the vehicle,
  • Deletion of the fault from the vehicle brain,
  • Introducing the parts in the vehicle,
  • Adaptation coding,
  • Calibration,
  • Injector coding,
  • Oil resetting,
  • Service light extinguishing,
  • Operating parameters reading etc.

If we talk about where the diagnostic devices are used; It is used in many automotive sectors such as expertise, vehicle repair-maintenance services and dealers. In addition, anyone who wants can buy and use these devices. Some of these devices, which are very easy to use, are used with a computer, while others have a tablet.

If we examine the types of vehicles where fault detection devices are used, although they are used in all vehicles produced with the latest technology;

  • Passenger vehicles,
  • Heavy vehicles,
  • Light commercial vehicles,
  • Marina series.

It is possible to find fault devices produced separately for all of these types at Sail Technology. We present you these devices below:

If you want to examine the diagnostic devices, you can visit our site and find detailed information. You can also contact us through the communication channels on our site for any problems you have in mind.

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